I'm really sorry for my non-posts. I promise one of my new years' resolutions will be to update much more frequently. Until then have a wonderful Christmas and/or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate! And a Happy New Year!
Posted by Angela at 8:24 PM 0 comments
saturday, november 29, 2008
Wine tasting in Napa for Suzanne's 23rd birthday with the fam! It was a gorgeous day... I think Napa and the wine country are sooo beautiful in the fall/winter!
Posted by Angela at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Location: Napa
november 17-27, 2008
So as you've probably noticed, I've been BAD about posting on here daily. I'm sorry! I knew it would happen eventually. Blame it on the new job and the holidays. Here are the few pics I've taken in the past few weeks. I'm really going to try to do better!Ice Skating open at Union Square
This great band that has been playing all over the city, I swear they follow me around. Its great! I'm going to buy their CD next time I see them!
In the window of Barney's downtown. They had kids paint pictures of what peace means. PRECIOUS!
Posted by Angela at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
sunday, november 16, 2008
More Colorado Trip!
View from the mountains in BoulderSara's new puppy Waren
Steve walking Gigi's horses at her beautiful house in the countryColorado sunsets
All in all a great trip!
Posted by Angela at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Location: Denver, Strausburg
saturday, november 15, 2008
COLORADO TRIP!!Mini-Coors Light cans...greatest thing ever!
Goooo buffs! Even though we lost to Oklahoma St.
Posted by Angela at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Location: Boulder, Westminster
friday, november 14, 2008
I felt kind of bad taking this pic on the way to SFO today but these were literally the cutest kids I'd seen in a lonnng time. I hope this isn't too creepy!
Posted by Angela at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Location: BART
thursday, november 13, 2008
This is a sushi/Japanese restaurant on my walk to work. Its a really crowded window. Lots of plastic sushi displays and other "decorations" Then they have this article from like 1987 VOGUE talking about how great their restaurant is. I mean good for them but its advertising "Hey look at me! I was cool when Madonna was in her 20s!" I love it!
Posted by Angela at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
tuesday, november 11, 2008
Just stopped in to the newly renovated Safeway in the Castro. I liked this store to begin with but the renovations are really nice. Apparently, this Safeway now thinks its Whole Food. They have all these special sections with olives and nuts and "specialty" foods. I see where they're going and I like it but its kinda humorous too.
Posted by Angela at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
monday, november 10, 2008
These are in the window of a cleaners on the walk to work. Kinda cute and creepy at the same time. Just a bunch of salt & pepper shakers...odd
Posted by Angela at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
sunday, november 9, 2008
It's finally fall! Look at the gorgeous colors that were around Healdsburg on Sunday when I went wine tasting with Steve, Gospo, and friends. It was mesmerizing. I loved it. I ended up drinking a bit too much (oops again) but I had a blast
Posted by Angela at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Location: Healdsburg
saturday, november 8, 2008
I went to the Yves Saint Laurent exhibit at the deYoung today. It was SPECTACULAR. Photos weren't allowed (oops) but I snuck this one of one of my favorite pieces before I got yelled at by a security guard.
Posted by Angela at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
friday, november 7, 2008
I drove up to the Castro after the No on 8 protest today. This was on a bus sign. All these stickers on with No on 4 and 8 stickers in the shape of a NO. Kinda cool.
Check out the No On 8 site. There's a bunch of protests on it this weekend, I'll be out of town though so I can't make it. If you can, do it!
Posted by Angela at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
thursday, november 6, 2008
Sooo as you may know I just got a Wii. I REALLY want Rockband for Wii as well as the Wii Fit... so when I was at Target I had to go check em out. I didn't REALLY need to take a pic of it because its not that exciting but I really want one :)
Posted by Angela at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Location: Foster City
wednesday, november 5, 2008
So I didn't take a pic today and the most exciting thing that happened was my boyfriend Steve came home from a business trip to NYC. So I was really excited to see him. This is my favorite pic of him :)
Posted by Angela at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
monday, november 3, 2008
Looks like someone else had a big weekend too! Haha I love it when people fall asleep on the bus (not that I haven't...), for some reason I think its hilarious!
Posted by Angela at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
saturday, november 1, 2008
Halloween Round II. I was white trash, which you can't really tell from this pic. I LOVED this wig, I was so fiesty as a redhead!
Posted by Angela at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
friday, october 31, 2008
Steve, my super sexy boyfriend, is on the right. If you can't tell he was a bloody TAMPON for Halloween. Gross I know. All of his roommates, were parts of the Palin family. Steve was supposed to be Bristol's missed period. OHHHHHHHH! I couldn't really talk to him all night because I couldn't take him seriously.
Posted by Angela at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
thursday, october 30, 2008
This is Anessa's dog Nemo. He's an English bull dog and so for Halloween he was a bull. He had a cowboy riding him and everything. It was the cutest thing ever
Posted by Angela at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Location: Menlo Park
wednesday, october 29, 2008
I walk through Union Square twice a day on my way to and from work and there's always something fun going on there and it usually makes me smile. Today after work I saw this stage set up for Jewels on the Square. It looks pretty cool! I didn't stay for the concert but maybe I will next time. I love this city
Posted by Angela at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
tuesday, october 28, 2008
I went to the Girl Talk concert at the Fillmore last night. It was AMAZING! I definitely recommend him to anyone who like to dance and have a good time!
Posted by Angela at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
monday, october 27, 2008
Seriously these shoes are heaven. In the Saks 5th Avenue window right now they have all sorts of hot red shoes on display. I guess during Halloween they have a special shoe display in the store right now to celebrate the Wizard of Oz. Not sure why but whatever, I smile every morning (and evening) when I walk by.
Posted by Angela at 6:42 PM 3 comments
Location: San Francisco
sunday, october 26, 2008
We bought a Wii!!! I LOVE it. Seriously, everyone should invest in one! So much fun. And its not like any other video game system I've ever played. I mean I know this is old news because its been out for awhile. But its great because its a social video game. Erin and Marvin (pictured) were so inspired by our purchase that they bought one too!
Posted by Angela at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
saturday, october 25, 2008
My pumpkin that I carved at Steve's house on Saturday. There were lots of really great pumpkins but I am pretty proud of mine! I don't think the photo does it justice but its still pretty great! Happy Halloween!!
Posted by Angela at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
friday, october 23, 2008
This is so sad. My prayers go out to Jennifer Hudson and her family. Sorry I didn't take a pic today...I suck.
Posted by Angela at 12:16 AM 0 comments
thursday, october 23, 2008
So, I'm not sure where this trend came from but there are all these "natural frozen yogurt" places popping up all over the city. Instead of regular frozen yogurt it is actual yogurt (like Dannon kind that you buy in the grocery store) FROZEN. It took me awhile to be cool with the trend. I don't like the natural flavor but I tried the chocolate flavor from Yogurt Bar (by my office) today and it was pretty tasty. Not sure why it tastes so different from the natural flavor. I still love regular frozen yogurt better! What do you think...does anyone even know what I'm talking about?!
Posted by Angela at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
wednesday, october 22, 2008
While I was at kickball, my roommates carved pumpkins!! I think these are (from left to right) a flamingo and palm tree (not sure how that's related to Halloween), some ghosts or goblins, and a 3 eyed pumpkins
Posted by Angela at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
tueday, october 21, 2008
JIMMY BUFFETT concert at Shoreline! So much fun!! My girls and I went with our dads and it was so fun!
Posted by Angela at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Location: Mountain View
monday october 20, 2008
On my way to the gym after work on Monday night, I noticed that there were a bunch of random bands playing on Market St on different blocks. I'm not sure if it was organized but they were really good. The guitarist in this band was actually pretty hot.
Posted by Angela at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Location: San Francisco
sunday, october 19, 2008
On Sunday we celebrated my grandma's 81st birthday at my uncle's house in San Jose. We made gnocchi and ravioli as a family. And my grandma was the master. It was so fun and such special family times (awww). It's a tradition I hope we can keep up!
Posted by Angela at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Location: San Jose
saturday, october 18, 2008
Wedding cake at Steve's friend's wedding on Saturday night. Usually I hate wedding cake. People spend thousands on their cake and they taste like shit... why? I promise for my wedding I'm going to have a funfetti cake...what do you think of that?
Note: this cake was actually on the tasty side. And it was pretty
Posted by Angela at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Location: Stanford
friday october 17, 2008
I borrowed this dress from my roommate to go out on Friday night. Nothing too exciting just a really cute dress. Nasty pic of me though
Posted by Angela at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
thursday, october 16, 2008
Amazing warm night in the city. I was waiting for some friends before a happy hour. So I grabbed some pizza and hung out in Washington Sq Park for a little bit. You can kinda see a guy in the middle of the photo doing yoga. I love San Francisco
Posted by Angela at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
wednesday, october 15, 2008
So pretty much I NEED a new digital camera so I can take better pics for this blog. I tried to take a pic of the adorable Pop Warner football teams that practice before our kickball games. They are all tiny and so intense about football.
Posted by Angela at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
tuesday, october 14, 2008
Adventures on MUNI--
Usually that title is referring to drunk bums or girls talking really loud on their cell phones while discussing PRIVATE sexual exploits. But today I was pleasantly surprised by this gentleman...playing the guitar on the 27 (one of the worst buses). Just minding his own music and playing Jethro Tull on his guitar. I wish all MUNI riders could be this peaceful.
Posted by Angela at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
monday, october 13, 2008
Soo yeah this is cheesy and again I apologize for not posting an actual photo I took. BUT Steve FINALLY got back from Europe last night. While our reunion didn't look like this (me in sweats, him with 12 hour airplane breath) I am so happy for him to be home!
Posted by Angela at 7:41 PM 0 comments
sunday october 12, 2008
So I didn't actually take a photo today. I sat at home all day; lonng (but fun) night last night. Anyway, I LOVE the show "John & Kate Plus 8" It's so great! Last night a bunch of people crashed at our house. We all woke up tired and not wanting to go out to breakfast so I (with some great help) made breakfast for everyone. We had pancakes, eggs, and bacon. It was such a great breakfast. I spent $30 at the grocery store for 11 people. I felt like I was Kate G from John and & Kate Plus 8 making food for that many people. I can't imagine how much money they spend on groceries for all of them all the time. You really should check the show out if you haven't. Good stuff
Posted by Angela at 7:55 PM 1 comments
saturday october 11, 2008
This is what fleet week looked like from the roof deck I was on. The Blue Angels are amazing, sadly my camera on my iPhone is not. So for some really good photos check this guy out. For info on what Fleet Week is check this out. Gotta love this town!
Posted by Angela at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
I was just watching the finale of "I Want to Work for Diddy" and I literally got goosebumps when they announced the winner... I am so lame. I just really liked the two people who won! And it is undeniable that working for Diddy would be an incredible experience if you were interested in being in the entertainment world.
Posted by Angela at 12:11 AM 0 comments
October 10, 2008
Dun dun dun... I went shopping today and I got some FIERCE work outfits (sorry I'm watching America's Next Top Model as I blog...) for work and spent WAAAAAY too much money. I'm dreading the next credit card bill...but at least I'll look good til it comes!
Posted by Angela at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
October 9, 2008
I'm sorry my posts have sucked this week. It's because I FINALLY got a job!! Hopefully I can keep this blog up even though my life (and spare time) has changed drastically!
Posted by Angela at 11:14 PM 0 comments
October 8, 2008
Sorry I know I posted the same kind of picture last week. Sorry! I didn't go to the bar this week because I was so tired from my "change in schedule..."
Posted by Angela at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco