My family friend's dog, Lucy. So sad she was definitely born in a puppy mill but she's a cute little doggy!
August 28, 2008
Posted by Angela at 5:22 PM 0 comments
Location: San Carlos
August 27, 2008
Laying out in front of Grace Cathedral on a super hot day in San Francisco. I was in the park right next to it. Great afternoon
Posted by Angela at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 26, 2008
Baller status at the Giants game in a luxury box! Now I never want to go to a game and sit in regular seats.
Posted by Angela at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 25, 2008
So today I went to a Little Mermaid sing-a-long at the Castro Theater. It was literally the most fun I've had in a long time. They gave us a goody bag with bubbles, crowns, noise makers and a dingle hopper :). The showed the movie on the big screen and it was a special version of the film that had the lyrics to all the songs on it. Everyone was singing and laughing. Some people even wore costumes. It was really fun. The Castro Theater does the same thing for the Sound of Music and I definitely plan on going!
Posted by Angela at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 23, 2008
Steve and Finn in Santa Cruz! Had a fun time with the twins and my cousins at the beach. They are ADORABLE.
Posted by Angela at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Location: Santa Cruz
August 22, 2008
FLABONGO!! So you can't really tell but this is me doing a flabongo. What's a flabongo you may ask? It is a flamingo yard ornament that had surgery to become a beer bong. I'm really bad at beer bongs but I had to do this because it was a flabongo. I went wine tasting with some friends in a limo and this was what we were doing between wineries. Smart, I know.
Posted by Angela at 5:18 PM 0 comments
Location: Sonoma
August 21, 2008
This is a corner in my neighborhood. I took it while running in errands today. It was a beautiful, warm day in San Francisco. I took this pic around 3:30 which is when you can usually see the fog rolling in. Here obviously, the fog wasn't coming in. Clear skies warrented this pic!!
Posted by Angela at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 20, 2008
I'm sorry, the most exciting thing I did today was go to the movies with Steve, my boyfriend. He loves doing the "double featch" (I realize featch isn't a word or even a shorter version of feature, but I made it up to get across the way Steve says it), which is obviously when you pay for one movie, watch it, and sneak into another theatre for a second movie. We saw and Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express. Both were pretty silly but I think I liked Tropic Thunder a little bit better. I think you have to be ridiculously high to enjoy Pineapple Express which I think is what the writers intended. I wasn't, so it really wasn't that great and probalby 45 minutes too long. Oh well!
Posted by Angela at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Location: Daly City
August 18, 2008
This is my favorite decoration in my parents' house in Santa Cruz. My mom has this amazing FULL wall bookshelf that has lots of great books and beach knick knacks (that aren't tacky.) This is my favorite piece because it totally emulates how fabulous Santa Cruz is. No matter what's going on in your life and how long you are there, its like an escape from reality and its only an hour away. I love it!
Posted by Angela at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Location: Santa Cruz
August 17, 2008
I love this photo! I took this at a bluegrass festival for the Waybacks I came to with my parents on Sunday. Great weather on a beautiful farm in Los Altos. Great music, friendly people, FREE WINE, organic food. Great times. We sat on the grass in the sun and I took this pic from there...obvi.
Posted by Angela at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Location: Los Altos
August 16, 2008
I went on a hike with Steve on Saturday in Samual P. Taylor Park in the North Bay. The hike (found here) was super intense. It went straight up for about 2 mi and then lasted several hours more. It ended up taking us over 4 hours to do about 9 mi of hiking. I knew it was going to be nine miles (even thought Steve chose it) but it was much more intense than I thought. Or maybe I'm just not in as good as shape as I thought. It was beautiful with lots of different areas/elevations to explore. Not sure I'd do it again because it kicked my ass but it was a great day none the less.
Posted by Angela at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Location: Fairfax
August 15, 2008
Sooo on Friday I got to go to a free Brett Dennen private concert at the KFOG playspace. I won the tickets through the KFOG website because I am a FOGHEAD. Soo anyway, it was amazing. It was literally me, Brett, and like 13 other people. We were in the second row probably six feet from him. This is a pic I took from my phone and its not zoomed in or anything. It was fantastic. He is so talented and friendly. He was telling stories about making his new album and was just pretty talkative. Seems like a guy you'd wanna be friends with. He played mostly new stuff (smart because now I wanna buy his new album) and a few old ones.
KFOG Website
Link to my Yelp review of KFOG
Posted by Angela at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 14, 2008
I gotta say something about the 2008 Summer Olympics right? I mean, for the last week it has totally taken over my life. I've been watching until 12:30AM or 1:00AM every night this week. So I have suffering from Olympic induced sleep deprivation! Its okay though I heart Phelps....just like the rest of the country.
Posted by Angela at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Location: USA
August 13, 2008

Sleeping goat in the otherwise stinky main room that all the animals were in. Since he was so cute while he was sleeping he didn't stink either.
Posted by Angela at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Location: San Mateo
August 12, 2008
This is what it says on the bag of my favorite grocery store. I love the store because its a family owned corner grocery store in San Francisco that has everything you ever need and a friendly staff.
I love this quote too! I think its perfect. Michael Franti is the lead singer of Spearhead and a local Bay Area kid who is super talented.
Here's the full bag on my beautiful linoleum kitchen floor. Check out my review for Le Beau on Yelp here. It should be the first review from "Angela S."
Posted by Angela at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Location: San Francisco
August 10, 2008
Jenna's parents and my parents have this in common. They bring puzzles to their vacay houses to kill time and relax. So I guess this has rubbed off on me. I was pretty antisocial between this puzzle and playing with the new iPhone this weekend. We didn't end up finishing the puzzle which was pretty aggravating. I almost want to buy it myself to finish it but I probably won't.
Posted by Angela at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Location: Tahoe
August 9, 2008
Jenna is going to be so mad at me for posting this but its the only pic that mildly displays our river trip. Jenna's aunt gave us this yellow box called the "Otter" to take on our river trip down the Truckee River to protect anything we didn't want to get wet. We made fun of her and groaned about how lame this thing was but it ended up being pretty useful. None of our stuff got wet! As many may know, trips down the Truckee River are pretty chill and usually involve a lot of day drinking where EVERYTHING gets wet. So the otter saved our credit cards, cell phones, and cameras. Sorry for no real time pics but I was NOT about to send the new iPhone down the river...otter or not...
Posted by Angela at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Location: Tahoe
August 8, 2008
This is what it looked like when my friend and I were driving to Tahoe in her car and it broke down. We were stuck on the eastbound side of Highway 80 about 30 miles west of Truckee. Its here where there are like fifty po-dunck towns and it was pretty hard to tell AAA where we were. Luckily, I had just bought my new iPhone THAT DAY. Apple saves the day. I should be in their commercial!
Posted by Angela at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Location: Tahoe