saturday, january 30, 2010

Skiing at Northstar! Lake Tahoe is just fantastic! I love living in norcal!!

friday, january 15, 2010

The couch finally came today for real!! Yipee! Looks so cute andi finally feel like it's an apartment now!

thursday, january 14, 2010

So this is a photo of an empty wine glass next to my computer. I have a friend from college visiting this weekend so I spent most of the evening cleaning up my apartment. And one of the main ingredients of cleaning (esp in the evening) is a glass of wine :) Happy almost Friday!

monday, january 11, 2010

Really IKEA!? Really? So this is the photo of the couch IKEA shipped to me today. For all of you paying attention the photo I took in the store on Saturday was of a dark grey with bluish tint colored couch. As you can see in this photo this is a beige, yucky same color as my carpet couch! I am SO disappointed. I'd been sooo excited to sit on my couch tonight and now I have to wait who knows how long until the new one comes! GRRR...just another manic Monday... :(

sunday, january 10, 2010


So tonight my fam and I took a class to learn how to make tamales (pictured above) tonight! So fun! I gave the class to my mom for Christmas and she really liked it. We got the recipes for everything (and leftovers) so hopefully we can figure out how to do it on our own sometime :)

saturday, january 9, 2010

FINALLY bought a couch today. I am so excited!! It will be delivered on Monday. I'm so glad I can finally start decorating and making the place look cute!

thursday, january 7, 2010

So I never promised that I could post an intersting photo EVERY day of my life. I wanted to post this to prove how late I got home on a school night :)

Just went on a date kinda and got home "late" Good time, but tomorrow's all day training seminar at work is going to SUCK!!

wednesday, january 6, 2010

Sooo freaking cold in my apartment right now. I'm laying in my bed all bundled up including gloves for typing! I might have to wear a beanie to bed or something!

tuesday, january 5, 2010

This is what my closet looks like today. I took everything out and refolded it. I'm trying to organize my place and get it all set for 2010! Yippee for organization...makes ya feel so good!

monday, january 4, 2010

So this is pretty embarassing. I have been living in my new place since the middle of September and I haven't totally unpacked everything yet. I'm not going to even give you an excuse. Its ridiculous. Anyway, another one of my resolutions is to set up my place all cute and keep it that way. The first step is getting a couch. But I need to move all this crap before I can do that. THIS WEEK! Wish me luck!

sunday, january 3, 2010

Pizza night at Local Kitchen & Wine Merchant! Sunday is all you can eat pizza for $13! Great deal. Always leave stuffed. This was our discard plate. Any crusts or toppings we didn't like went on this plate to save rooms on our real plates and in our bellies!...the diet starts tomorrow :)

saturday, january 2, 2010

I'm baaaaack! So my New Years Resolution (I have about 50 actually) is to re-start my blog. So here I am. I'm sorry for the hiatus but I'm going to make this work! See my pics below (starting on Jan 2--Jan 1 doesn't count--its national ok to be hungover day).

I walked through the Broadway Tunnel on Saturday. I said I never would do it because it scares the crap out of me because I'm mildly claustrophobic. Also the cars zoom through super fast and while there are railings etc it still scares me. The first pic is beginning to walk in, not too bad. I was a little nervous but trying to remain positive.

The second pic is in the middle of then tunnel. This is where the major anxiety sunk in. I was about halfway through so there was no turning back.

And then before I knew it I made it out! And I thought huh that wasn't so bad! I had lunch with some friends and then got pretty confident and walked back through the tunnel the way home. I'm a rockstar!

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